
“Level up everyday!”, says the world.


I’m sick and tired of trying to be impressive.

I’m sick and tired of fast paced environments.”

I’m sick and tired of speed to market.”

I’m sick and tired of faster, better, cheaper.” It doesn’t exist.

I’m sick and tired of mandatory self-evaluations. They’re useless.

I’m sick and tired of cut throat competition.

I’m sick and tired of people’s selfishness, greed, malice, posturing, lying, and manipulating in order to get ahead.

I’m sick and tired of people operating on fear, who only care about their well-being and see other’s successes as a threat to their position.

I’m sick and tired of the win at all costs” ideology.

I’m sick and tired of obsessing over productivity.

I’m sick and tired of worldly living.

I’m sick and tired of hustlin’.

I love the spiritual life that GOD has brought me into.

I love HIS unhurried approach.

I love HIS organic way of living.

Unhurried living leaves time and space for paying attention to and loving others.

The hurried pace that the world pushes on everyone is a lie.

It’s empty busyness with no purpose.

It feels like purpose but it isn’t.

There’s this constant undercurrent of urgency, but for what exactly? Nothing.

It’s a chasing of the wind.

Fill your spirit with the TRUTH of GOD.

Fall into relationship with HIM.

Enjoy the fruits of a meaningful life that only HE can provide.

Everything else is vapor.

A chasing of the wind.

Up next Testimony: GOD Revealed HIMSELF To Me In January of 2018, GOD the FATHER presented HIMSELF to me in such a powerful way, that it was impossible for me to deny HIM. Once I was Baptized by Why I’m Tired Of The Rat Race After 26 years of working in marketing for major corporations doing design, branding, motion/animation, UI, UX, and front end development, I’ve
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